
Awareness is 70% of the Game (30% is what you do with it). Clarity is power…

Sometimes we’re so close to things, we can’t see the forest through the trees. This is also true for our leadership impact and our well-being. To support you in your leadership, resiliency, and cultural health endeavors, we’ve crafted four new assessments for you to help you take a moment, see where you’re at, and explore what might support you most right now. Each assessment is intentionally thought out using Anese’s experience from over twenty years in the trenches, writing four books, and being in rooms with thousands of people to talk about exactly these topics. Once you complete your assessment, you’ll receive your results along with suggested optional next steps to do on your own as well as potential programs, products, and services to support you on our end. To awareness and making it actionable…


Energy Leadership & Resiliency Assessment: How Personally Sustainable Are You? 

Resiliency is an essential leadership skill, self-care and energy leadership is too. Fortunately, they all work together. Now more than ever we want (and need) to be strengthening our skills for both. Identify and honor where you’re at — from a self-care, resiliency, and sustainability standpoint — and then get into action to strengthen and elevate your resiliency game.


Braving Burnout Assessment: What is your burnout status? In it, approaching it, or ahead of it?

With so many changes in 2020 and a never-ending whirl of ambiguity, working remotely, navigating change, connecting (or not) in new ways, taking on new workloads, and more, burnout is on the rise. You CAN identify it and shift it as needed if you know where you’re at now and partner with it intentionally.


Leadership Impact Assessment: Are you having the impact you want to have? How? 

Are you having the impact you want to have? Do you feel the way you want to feel? Do people follow you (work with you, stay in relationship with you, etc.) because they WANT to or because they HAVE to? Where are your edges? What can you shift to have even more impact? Thirty questions that might as well be coaching in a quiz.



Team & Cultural Health Assessment: How healthy is your team? Your culture? How are you contributing to that health? (Or not.)

This fifty-point assessment digs into team and culture health by address the “we,” “our,” and “I” of creating culture. Dig into these questions to explore the cultural health and well-being of your team and organization as well as what to do about it. Bonus if you have your team do this assessment with you. Double bonus if you dive into the solutions and programs offered at each level of cultural health. (Note: To do this privately as an organization for a cultural health assessment and customized solution, contact us.)


Next steps to support your leadership, resiliency, and cultural sustainability journey…

Every assessment will give you solid information to support you wherever you’re at in your resiliency, burnout navigation, leadership, and/or teaming and cultural health. Below are links to some of the core solutions we offer for addressing these opportunities and problems today. Many solutions are via books and online self-paced programs (which can be very flexibly engaged with in a cost-effective manner). Anese also offers monthly Learning Labs and Quarterly Leadership & Culture Impact Cohorts to support deeper learning, integration, and coaching in a group setting. Finally, if you would like to couple an assessment with one of Anese’s keynotes for your audience, we can arrange for that as well. We’re here to serve. Please reach out as needed. Thank you! 


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