IEP-103: The IEP Course [$395]

Want to learn the CORE of the IEP Method® in 103 minutes (with hours of additional content and resources to support you exploring different elements more deeply as suits you)? Join me for IEP-103, our IEP Method Self-Study Course.

“I can say without hesitation IEP-103 delivers extraordinary value right out of the gate. I was floored by what I learned and observed about myself and my presence within the first few minutes. Mind opened, mind blown, action underway to be at my best. IEP-103 is the quick dose you need to get grounded and I plan to go deeper and go all in on additional IEP training. Our team plans to do the same. Thank you Anese!!!”
Shannyn Lee, Director of Coaching, Win Without Pitching

Here’s just a bit of what happens in this online program:

  • learn the IEP Method, the 3 core components of it, and how to apply it immediately
  • instantly shift your presence and energetic state so that you not only feel more grounded, spacious, and clear, but show up more solid as well
  • assess why this is important to you and the impact it’s having on your life, team, sales, culture, etc. (Do the “Run Your Numbers” exercise and really see the cost.)
  • lead your one-to-one, team meetings, and even conversations with your loved ones more effectively
  • get “in front of” burnout by putting the core IEP practices in place that will support you, your resiliency, and your leadership
  • access bonus assessments to help you get into “right” (and real) relationship with your resiliency, energy, leadership, and burnout risk
  • participate in recorded exercises (by yours truly) not only teaching the method, but also going into The Bubble, The IEP Energetic Xylophone, The IEP-3, and “Run Your Numbers”
  • learn how to use the IEP Sheet for anything (we’ve built in 17 examples — with the actual sheet and a video walking you through it — from different roles, industries, and conversations/projects) to set yourself up for success in your next sales conversation, employee feedback session, project, presentation, parenting challenges, team meeting, difficult convo (including “the divorce conversation” — you all know I like to keep this content real!), keynote/talk, and more.
  • do this with your team (or whole organization) to become more present, intentional, and aware of your impact together

Additionally, each Sunday for seven weeks you’ll receive a weekly Beat — an audio + Sunday Setup to support you in your IEP-103 learning.

This program is on our e-learning platform and comes with a fieldwork guide (printable and type-able online), video training, worksheets, an IEP Grid (to link content to the IEP-Activator and IEP-W Programs if you have one of them), and many bonus modules and resources that I’ve found most helpful when I teach this program live. This program offers a solid entry into the IEP body of work with many of our other self-study and live offerings taking you deeper as needed.

Special Note: We’ve designed this course so that you can work through it on your own or with your team and so far we are loving the results. (We currently have a team of 7 and a team of 114 doing it together!) Interested in setting up an Organizational IEP Integration Program which includes IEP-103 for all, a live kick-off session with Anese, and an IEP-Activator Toolkit? Please contact us for more details and group pricing.

Note: This program pairs beautifully with IEP-W: The Fundamentals Webinar Series if you want to go deeper into ideas and principles in the work.


Join us for this 4-part Webinar Workshop Series to learn all the parts of the IEP Method®, work the IEP Leadership Model (inside and out), create action plans, participate in exercises and practicum (privately), assess the (positive and negative) financial and cultural impact of energy, self-care, and well-being so you can tie this work to your bottom line, have a tangible action plan as well as new skills to help you have more impact, lead more effectively, bring better energy and presence to any screen or room, AND have enough energy and presence for your life and loved ones and self at the end of the day. 

We created IEP-W to accommodate schedules, budgets, time zones, work requirements, and energy management, as well as to give people new ways and pacing to truly integrate the content over 2 weeks. This session was originally recorded live in four parts and includes 4 videos (2-2.5 hours each with bonus content), handouts, transcripts, and core slides from the webinar to support your integration. 

Learn more here!

The IEP Fundamentals Workshop Webinar (IEP-W) Sessions are:

  • Session 1: IEP Method® and Impact: Using It, Optimizing It, and Measuring It (Culturally & Financially)
  • Session 2: The Essential You: Setting Intentions, Holding Your Space, and Leading Authentically
  • Session 3: Building a Strong Energetic Field & Foundation: Setting Yourself Up For Success Through the 4 Quads
  • Session 4: Putting it All Together: Creating Intentional Impact & Building Clean Relationships through Your IEP

Each session includes the video workshop, worksheets (and core slides from the deck to help you anchor in essential content), and transcripts of the entire video session to help you retain information in different ways and lighten up your note taking!

If you would like to do this program with your team or organization, please contact us with the number of people in your group and we will set you up with a team rate. Thank you!

In Contagious Culture, Anese Cavanaugh proved that it’s possible to create an energized and engaged organizational culture that spreads from person to person. Now, in Contagious You, she hones in on the individual, showing us how each of us is contagious in our own way and stressing the importance of leading with intention to achieve positive results.

Learn more about Contagious You here or purchase from one of the retailers below.



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The next level of IEP School! Building on your personal and self-mastery (the foundation of YOU), we now go into relationship and team mastery. This level of IEP School brings you the core modules of Crafting Teams that Lead, Crafting Feedback, and Crafting Alignment — our three most popular modules devoted to up-leveling your relationship and teaming game. With new videos, tools, and resources integrated into our original guides (and what we know works best after years and years of applying this content with leaders and organizations all over the world), this upgraded program has been built on our new training platform. We’re delighted to bring it to you now!

Work through the modules provided on your own (and/or with your team) to build your leadership skills, create shared language, and cultivate a stronger relationship with feedback, difficult conversations, creating agreements, and more. Each module includes a fieldwork and implementation guide, “craft notes” (which are the condensed “cliff notes” version of each guide), videos, audios, transcripts, and additional resources and exercises to support the content. 

We’re so excited about this!

In this program you will learn how to:

  • Change your relationship with feedback — giving it and receiving it — so that it is something that is honored and celebrated vs. dreaded and sugar-coated
  • Give and receive feedback directly and productively (even on the hard or intangible stuff) — effective, actionable, and healthy
  • Create agreements as a team to foster a safe and honest environment for risk-taking, authenticity, and real truth telling
  • Understand the dynamics and stages of teaming and where you’re at so you can navigate it even more intentionally and effectively
  • Build your team intentionally, and effectively
  • Create alignment, internally and externally, with yourself and your team
  • Understand congruency in a new way and how it impacts your leadership presence, your trustworthiness and credibility, and your relationship with others
  • Eliminate or re-design for tolerations, noise, chaos, and negative relationships that don’t serve your energy or your organization
  • Process and navigate conflict so that it is out in front of you, vs. in between you – and so that you GROW from it
  • Proactively and co-actively co-design your relationship with team members, direct reports, partners, your boss, your spouse, your humans…
  • Become a better leader to your team, your peers, your kids, your partner, yourself

Program Includes:

  • The Crafting Teams that Lead, Crafting Feedback, and Crafting Alignment Modules w/Implementation Guide with videos, audios, and tools to support
  • The Craft Map (In fact, here’s a preview! As there are too many outcomes and benefits to list here, best to check out the “Craft Map” which is a part of our signature programs and lists the benefits and overviews of each module listed above. You’ll have access to the 3 Teaming Modules in the Craft Map.)
  • Training Videos
  • 1 Year of The Beat

Self-Paced Program
$495 per user

Want to do this with your team? Wonderful. We love it when you do that (and your team will too)! Contact us for team discounts and organizational licenses for teams of 5 people or more.

Whether you’ve already read Contagious Culture, or are getting ready to read it, alone or with a team, the Contagious Culture Discussion Guide and Video Program will support you in getting the most out of the book.

The Contagious Culture Discussion Guide questions pair beautifully with the fieldwork sections at the end of each chapter in the book. We’ve pulled together some questions to get you started and guide your discussion and exploration.

The Contagious Culture Discussion Guide and Video Program is an in-depth overview of Contagious Culture broken up into six videos. This series was previously recorded live with participants. Each video is full of insights from Anese as she breaks down the content, clarifies nuances and “trickier” principles, and answers participant questions. 

The Contagious Culture Discussion Guide and Video Program Bundle includes:

  • The Contagious Culture Discussion Guide (a $25 value)
  • The Contagious Culture Discussion Video playlist with unlimited access to the six-video series

“In a book well suited to a world hungry for leadership, Cavanaugh shares compelling advice on how to better lead our organizations, our communities, our families and often the most challenging of all: ourselves. What a gift.” 

-M.N., Chairman & CEO

Use them separately, together, or as they best serve you.

Remote and hybrid work is the new norm, and even if you’re fully back in the office, you are likely still meeting with clients and team members virtually. Either way, IRL or on the screen, being aware of your presence, how you show up, and how you manage your energy from “Zoom-to-Zoom” is essential. Additionally, the demands for being able to create connection, safety, and an environment for creative and productive work in ways that leave your workforce and team members inspired and engaged (and wanting to continue working with you), is more important than ever as we navigate the “Great Resignation.” There’s a lot to be done here, AND presence is an excellent place to start.

There are a ton of great resources that talk about how to meet virtually, virtual teaming and presentations, and more… This toolkit is designed to help you work the nuances of virtual presence and meetings; to address the IEP side of it (your Intentional Energetic Presence®), how you set the “container” — before, during, and after the meeting/conversation — so you can all show up at your best, how you navigate “the lowest vibration on the screen,” and how you create safety for true intimacy and connection whether you are 1:1 or with a big group.

This program is online, self-paced, and includes: 

  • 7 lessons / modules with videos and worksheets (videos range from 2-15 minutes)
  • The Virtual Presence & Meeting IEP Toolkit Guide
  • A Virtual Presence & Meeting IEP Infographic (that you can share with your team)
  • The IEP Sheet
  • Bonus videos and worksheets to help you with creating impact (through the 5 Steps to Intentional Impact), creating agreements for how you’ll show up together, designing hand signals and shortcuts of communication with your team, and leveraging (authentic) states of being to embody and project in order to create the most powerful presence and connected experience possible online.


  • Set your meetings up for success logistically AND energetically –– before, during, and after — by creating a solid, healthy, productive, and proactive container to meet in and do your best work
  • As host or leader, know exactly what you need to do to set your team up right — beforehand
  • As participant, know exactly what you need to do logistically and presence and mindset-wise to bring your best
  • Set the tone for the meeting from HELLO/JOIN with your environment and a couple other special tricks to bring positive and useful energy to the space
  • Create safety and connection from the beginning of the meeting (and throughout) so you can show up honestly and authentically (and productively to do real work)
  • Use new tools and exercises (9) to ground the group and bring everyone here NOW for presence
  • Create agreements that support the container of the meeting and team connection
  • Create action plans for afterwards so that process improvement and deeper connections continue…

You can use this program for yourself as facilitator to guide the process and as a participant to show up better in the process. There is an InfoGraphic with an overview of everything in one spot (which you are welcome to share with your team), and you can also purchase the kit for your whole team so you all have the deeper dive, videos, and nuances of each element to do it well.

The fee for this Toolkit/Program is $49/person. We have intentionally kept the tuition for this course low as we could all use a little extra awesome virtual presence right now, agree?

NOTE: If you have a team of 20 or more who you want to have this, or want to share the toolkit with your entire organization, contact us for team and organizational rates.

You may be going through a lot right now. Whether it’s the general energy of the pandemic, changes in your business or career, a loss of relationship, loss of a job or revenue, changes in your team, health changes, feeling burnt out, considering a change in your environment or profession, ANYTHING… you may be feeling a need to breathe, reflect, and RESET.

That’s what this program is here for.

This program is online, self-paced, and includes:

  • 10 lessons with videos and worksheets (videos range from 2-13 minutes, the longest is 18)
  • A RESET Implementation & Fieldwork Guide
  • The IEP Sheet
  • Bonus Videos on “Who you’re becoming” and “Breadcrumbs back to self”


  • Clear the field, identify WHAT’S WHAT: Get clear on what you’ve just been through (or are going through); what’s important about it and who you’ve become thus far; and process through the good, bad, ugly, and beautiful so you can clear that energy and move forward
  • Capture and cull the learning and put it to use so that you come out of “this” (whatever “this” is) more you, more congruent, stronger, and with more agency and power in your life and leadership
  • Create “breadcrumbs” to anchor and strengthen you and your state of being when you are off kilter
  • Identify, design, and activate your RESET (RESET is an acronym that takes you through the process of resetting — for real — so that you can show up better, clearer, and stronger for yourself and others. The RESET process involves 14 components to explore, nourish, and tend to.)
  • Reboot and go with your action plan

You can do this RESET for anything and as often as you want. You can do it in your PJs in the middle of the night. You can do it with friends or your team. You can even do this as a team process. And when you purchase the program, you get life-long access.

Our intention as a team and organization is to serve you and be as useful as possible by bringing you tools, programs, and content we create for building awareness and self-care, optimizing leadership and self-agency, and ultimately increasing positive impact all the way around. No noise. Just honest work that invites space to RESET.

Whether you’ve already read Contagious You, are getting ready to read it, alone or with a team, the Contagious You Discussion Guide and Program will support you in getting the most out of the book.

The Contagious You Discussion Guide questions pair beautifully with the fieldwork sections at the end of each chapter in the book as well as the assessments in Chapter 2. We’ve pulled together some questions to get you started and guide your discussion and exploration.

The Contagious You Discussion Video Program is an in-depth overview of Contagious You broken up into six videos. This series was previously recorded live with participants. Each video is full of insights from Anese as she breaks down the content, clarifies nuances and “trickier” principles, and answers participant questions. 

The Contagious You Discussion Guide and Video Program Bundle includes:

  • The Contagious You Discussion Guide (a $25 value)
  • The Contagious You Discussion Video playlist with unlimited access to the six-video series

Use them separately, together, or as they best serve you.

“This video program just gave and gave! The biggest benefit for me was realizing that it is possible for me to ‘show up’ for the hard stuff with the same contagious positive energy that I bring to the stuff I love doing. That was an actual life changing moment. I start a task now with the CFF and the 5 Steps to Intentional Impact. It is magical.”

–L.P., Life & Health Coach


Take advantage of this new on-demand webinar with Anese created for companies who’ve run IEP launches in their organization or who’ve attended an IEP session and want a refresher on how to integrate the work and/or new best practices to keep the content alive and take it deeper.

In this video Anese reviews the top 10 most important (and most commonly asked) areas of focus and action (as well as a bonus 11th AND a list of best practices) to make this work real and sticky for you and in your organization. As in a workshop or live event, she goes into practice, technique, mindset, and the free-flow conversation of examples and the thinking behind why these things matter and how to do them.

Some of the areas Anese covers are:

  • A review of IEP (What is it and how do I use it?) and the IEP Method®
  • The Bubble
  • Authorship, ownership, and navigating the Drama Triangle
  • Being (positively) contagious (and how…)
  • The core elements of “owning your space” (and how)
  • Choosing leadership (even when it’s hard)
  • Decision making (especially in the hard areas)
  • How to decide to opt-out or redesign things that aren’t working
  • The power of self-care in your culture and the ripple effects (and THE stake you MUST hold)
  • What self-care actually IS (and guess what, this is the #1 thing that gets in the way of leadership and authorship)
  • Effective energetic reframes, language, and communication methods for your leadership, team, and organization
  • How to set your team up for success with this work (for your team and/or ANY relationship)
  • Crafting agreements that work (how to get TO them and examples of them)
  • Giving clean productive feedback — how to do it, the mindset of it, the process, and what MUST be present to make it work
  • Making this work “in the cracks” versus having to do huge initiatives and hoopla
  • The Checklist: 12 high leverage, high effect things you can do NOW to integrate this into your team and organization

We originally made this for private clients and then with the feedback received, have made this available for others who want to go deeper on their own. This on-demand webinar works great if you’ve participated in an event, AND can also work on its own in partnership with Anese’s books and other offerings.

NOTE: This offering is included as a bonus in the IEP-Activator Toolkit & Program and also for organizations doing an IEP Integration Program (in conjunction with the IEP-103 self-study course).

The IEP-Activator Toolkit + Program is designed for people who want to use core tools and principles from Contagious You, Contagious Culture, and the IEP Method body of work to activate IEP within their organization and with their clients. This is a self-paced online program which includes an extensive list of modules with training videos, transcripts (of videos), tools, exercises, and resources.

IEP-Activators will:

  • Have access to shared languaging and tools designed to increase team effectiveness and optimize personal IEP when using the core IEP Tools individually or together
  • Learn easily useable and shareable frameworks for rebooting your presence in the moment, creating intentional impact, and strengthening your energetic foundation
  • Have the ability to share core IEP content with your clients, groups, or team in an organized self-paced manner so that it complements what you’re already doing
  • Be able to pay this work forward in your organization (especially handy after going through IEP Live! or one of our events and you want to know “How do I get others to do this?!”)
  • Deepen your own IEP Practice as you continue to learn how to share it with others
  • Receive access to IEP School and IEP-A only communications
  • Have access to special organizational pricing and training with 10 IEP-Activators or more

For the different modules and tools included in the IEP-Activator kit, please see the IEP-A page.

Learn more here!

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