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Project Impeccable [$150]

Introducing Project YOU On Demand

Congruent leadership is an “inside-out” job. True trustworthiness, influence, confidence, peace, and presence all come from within. Our inner relationship and integrity with ourselves are communicated and felt externally with those around us, having a profound impact on our ability to serve, lead, and connect with others. This superpower of congruency is available to all of us… especially when we do the work. This program is designed to help you do just that in mini bite-sized lessons and reflections each day.

You may have heard me talk about the impact of #ProjectImpeccable in my life. It’s been one of the most powerful things I’ve ever done for myself (and that I continue to do again and again). My first “project” came from intuition and an internal drive for more impact, more space, more impeccability, and more joy for myself. This little project was more meaningful and productive than I could have anticipated. So I decided to share it. We’ve run this project “live” several times with groups with great success. In this online program, we’ve pulled the most important elements of the project together to support you in doing it on your own! (And, bonus! Once you have it, you can do it as often as you wish!)

Over the 60-day program, you’ll get quiet, clarify outcomes, set intentions, create rituals, decide what “impeccability” means to you (hint: it is NOT about perfection, rigor, pushing hard, or forcing discipline), learn core tools from the IEP Method® to support you, and create the internal and external space to make it all so. You can plan to spend anywhere from 10 minutes a day to as long as you wish, depending upon what practices and actions you create to support your project. You will spend a couple of hours setting your project up at the beginning and then again, checking in at the midpoint.

#ProjectImpeccable: Project YOU includes:

  • Access to the #ProjectImpeccable online platform that houses your full program
  • A recorded KickOff Video Session to get you started
  • A bonus recording and guide for the original live 2-hour #ProjectImpeccable Workshop
  • A bonus recording and guide for the “30 Days In” live Q&A call
  • A downloadable #ProjectImpeccable Fieldwork Guide 
  • Downloadable IEP Sheets 
  • A weekly inspirational/motivational IEP Beat email with an audio/video/text message from Anese
  • The Essential You IEP School Module via our online learning platform
  • Daily #ProjectImpeccable Beat email support with 61 messages over your project (optional)

Participation in all of this is totally optional — you take what serves, using what feels life-giving and in flow, the rest of it you release. The program is designed truly to give you information, guardrails, and grace so you create a true and sustainable and life-giving experience for YOU.

Investment for #ProjectImpeccable: Project YOU = $150 — A portion of all proceeds will go to That’s Caring.


What would you like to create for yourself right now? For your life?

This project — aka “projectimpeccable” — will help you clear space and lay a stronger foundation for whatever you’re up to.

Below are some of the things I’ve noticed that get created from a “being” standpoint in #ProjectImpeccable…

  • Space.
  • Breath.
  • Clarity.
  • Internal “truth”.
  • Choice.
  • Better decision making.
  • Less “triggers”, less “drama”, more “real”.
  • A more solid presence.
  • “A quiet knowing.”
  • Authentic confidence.
  • Greater leadership integrity.
  • Groundedness in the midst of chaos. (You are your own anchor, your congruency and impeccability strengthen this.)

And, I’ve also seen people do some pretty awesome tangible stuff with their 60 days…

  • Redesign/up-level business models
  • Redesign/up-level relationships
  • Redesign/up-level their standards
  • Redesign/up-level the way they have client conversations
  • Redesign/up-level their well-being
  • Redesign/up-level their goals and intentions to align with what is truly important to them
  • Redesign/up-level their schedule, calendar, life and space to support what they’re up to in the world…

It’s all truly up to you. Whatever you set your intentions and attention upon, you can create it. Especially if the intentions are coming from a clean space (and not from “shoulds” or ego). You need the “being” and you need the “doing” to make stuff so. (The “being” is actually the highest leverage lever in this equation.)

Want more info? Here’s a recent video where I discuss the program.

(Note: When you register you will receive a note with more information as well as a couple of places to look to give you a head start on your own #PI.)

Register here for #ProjectImpeccable: Project YOU
$150.00 -- A portion of all proceeds will go to That's Caring

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