Gregory A. Franklin, Ed.D.

The Contagious Culture book and the IEP Live training are making a significant impact on the Tustin Unified School District.  Our greatest asset is our people, and the degree to which we can help them share their best-selves will determine the service that we provide.  Folks are taking care of themselves, so they can be in service to our students.

This work will show up in unexpected ways, Anese said at IEP Live! in Sacramento, CA in October 2017. This work hit me like a ton of bricks about three months after I attended IEP Live! My husband had been battling a rare, aggressive cancer for two years. In January 2018, we learned that oral chemotherapy had stopped working and he would need to be admitted to the hospital for IV chemotherapy. It was a crushing blow. I made the commitment that I would be his best advocate. From my IEP Live! experience, I realized what mattered most was how I could be present in the moment with him; and that skill would ensure I could be his best advocate.

Anese Cavanaugh is a trailblazer in creating new strategies about what it means to be a courageous leader in today’s market. Her fresh ideas are powerful, energizing and address what companies need to do to create healthy and engaged workforces where people thrive.

Learning about energy management from Anese was, without question, one of the best things that’s happened to our organization in ages.

Anese is innovating the business world with her methods for fostering cultures, inspiring leaders, and helping businesses thrive and grow. She’s created magical methods to help people be self-aware, lead with intention, and impact those around them.

Contagious Culture will give you the power to gracefully change the tone of any conversation and create a positive energetic environment. You will disarm even your most trying antagonist!

My mission in life has been to create joy and purpose in all of my business endeavors. Anese is any company’s secret weapon for achieving profound, permanent results from the inside out.

In Contagious Culture, Anese Cavanaugh has identified the elusive secret ingredient of great leadership that hundreds, if not thousands, of other books on the topic have missed. She calls it Intentional Energetic Presence (IEP), and it will change the way you run your business.

In a book well suited to a world hungry for leadership, Cavanaugh shares compelling advice on how to better lead our organizations, our communities, our families and often the most challenging of all -ourselves. What a gift.

The thing I really enjoyed was the idea that releasing the energetic trigger with someone you are worried about or concerned about can be a gift to that person. The other was the idea that you add your energy to the soup of a room or a team or a project, and so – be the soup you want to see in the world.

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