Organizational Solutions

Create a healthy organization and workforce now.

If you want to build a high-performing, honest, and usefully contagious culture, leadership that creates real and sustainable impact, and an authentically Positive Energy Workplace™ (especially now) you must arm your leadership and workforce with the tools, knowledge, and experience of BEING the culture they wish to be a part of.

Active Choices, Inc. has worked with business leaders and organizations in all kinds of industries for more than twenty years. We bring a wealth of expertise to the areas of leadership and culture, strategy and communication, resiliency and change management, business modeling and sales, building trust and credibility, creative leadership, presence work, and more. Our style is collaborative, intentional, rigorous, and also loving.  Our proprietary methodology, the IEP Method®, is our core framework for how we create impact. We’ve found that no matter what issues people and organizations are dealing with, being clearer about their intentions, cleaner with their energy, present to how they’re showing up, and accountable with their actions, are the essential components of creating solutions that are authentically positive, congruent, collaborative, and effective, while honoring the well-being and values of the individual and organization.

Below are some of the components that might be a part of an organizational or enterprise-wide solution. Because no organization is the same, and because we’re in this for true change, impact, and ROI of everyone’s time, energy, and money — in order to determine a solid approach that will result in effective and sustainable change, we start every engagement with our unique Discovery Process. If you are interested in having a conversation about how this work can serve your organization and how we work, please contact us to schedule an Exploratory Call.


Cultural Health Assessment

How healthy is your culture? How are people feeling? What are your biggest challenges, the ones that aren’t being spoken to directly that may have a good part of your workforce or leadership considering other options? Or maybe you’re humming and it’s all about optimization. Let’s find out. An IEP Cultural Health Assessment (qualitative and quantitative) can be performed for your organization or your team using our proprietary methodology for getting at the root of the matter. Awareness is 70% of the battle, once we have it, we can move forward more intentionally. The process includes assessments, a debrief, and recommendations for next. Please contact us to schedule an exploratory call. 

Train-the-Trainer + IEP Integration Plan

We’ve created this program/toolkit to give teams and organizations a way to engage in this work in a way that is cost effective, internally driven, non-time bound, and in light partnership with Active Choices. There are two core levels of integration depending upon your desired outcomes, budget, and stakeholder commitment which may include a blend of live IEP launches, access to IEP-103 (our online program) for everyone, and internal IEP-Activator(s) training to support your rollout and ongoing integration. Please contact us to learn more. 

Keynotes & Private Training + Learning Labs  

Anese can deliver a private keynote for your next conference or employee event or deliver a live experiential training or Learning Lab for your workforce. Topics are custom to your specific needs and we do have core topics that she’ll build around including the IEP Method®, showing up for (yourself) to lead your best, burnout & resiliency, leader care, and creating a healthy culture as we re-enter the new normal in our work together. Core training maybe an IEP Method® Leadership basics course (L1), and IEP Leadership & Collaboration course (L2), and/or additional Learning Labs to support your unique needs. More on our Learning Labs here, and Speaking here.

Strategic Advisory + Consulting + Cohorts

In addition to doing private executive work with leaders, Active Choices is available to consult on your biggest leadership and culture challenges, often working with leadership teams in “leadership cohorts” that blend training, group work, and private work with Anese and our team to ensure a holistic approach and give your team a solid foundation to work from. These programs are highly customized and require an assessment period to ensure optimal results. Please contact us for more information. 

Executive Impact Labs + Retreats

Designed for your executive or senior leadership team to work your IEP as a team, create agreements that will serve ongoing solid leadership, dig into the findings of your Cultural Health Assessment, address additional organizational challenges and/or team dynamics, and elevate your culture and leadership game over-all this one or two-day session is customized to create the outcomes we’ll co-design together. Please contact us for more information. 

Executive/Organizational Book Club

Designed to help your leadership and employees lead better, be better, collaborate better, and build their own sustainability and resiliency in doing so, this book club has been created as a collaborative experience to be delivered to your workforce by your leadership and Anese. Designed for deep dives into Anese’s books, CONTAGIOUS CULTURE and CONTAGIOUS YOU, in a way that makes the content REAL, applicable, and compelling. Learn more here about the book club here.

Self-Study Solutions for Your Team

We have several self-study programs that can be done individually or with teams to learn the IEP Method, do a RESET, up-level virtual presence and teaming, and more. You can learn more about our core IEP self-study programs here and about additional leadership tools and self-study programs here. For team and organizational rates, please contact us with the number of programs you’d like and when you’d like to kick off.

Self Mastery
CC Book
LYWB cover
CY Discussion Guide

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